Straight Worktop in White

Straight Worktop in White

ISO 14001 AccreditationISO 9001 Accreditation10 Year Warranty

Axis worktop in Studio White melamine finish. E1 grade board, 25mm finished thickness with matching 2mm PVC edge. 4 straight edges, square corners.

1600 x 750
1200 x 600
1200 x 750
1500 x 600
1500 x 750
1800 x 600
1800 x 750
1800 x 900
1800 x 1200
2400 x 1200
1600 x 600
600 x 600
900 x 600
900 x 900
2100 x 900

Product Description

Axis worktop in Studio White melamine finish. E1 grade board, 25mm finished thickness with matching 2mm PVC edge. 4 straight edges, square corners.

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